East Briggs Sanitary Lift Station

Fort Bliss, Texas

Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; ITSI, Inc.

The East Biggs Sanitary Lift Station project scope included two 30-HP, 1,725-GPM pumps, two 215-HP, 4,887-GPM pumps, a 30-foot-deep concrete wet well sanitary sewer lift station, site work, excavation, embankment, concrete base, cylinder walls, misc. concrete slabs, discharge pipes, controls, guides, access cover, air release/vacuum valves, installation of generator and slab, gas regulator and meter station, unistrut for ATS control box with slab, transformer pad, water service, yard hydrant, perimeter fencing, gates, gravel parking, creation of a storm water pollution prevention plan, and epoxy coat interior of lift station.